The STM32F103RCT6 development kit is designed with all the features of the STM32F103RCT6 MCU: USB port, LED, push button, external Flash memory..., in addition, the kit also integrates Jtag standard tribute, UART port, NRF24L01, LCD to be able to expand the periphery, suitable for those who are new to learning about STM32.
- Main Microcontroller: STM32F103RCT6 ARM Cortex-M3
- Power used: 5VDC from MiniUSB port or GPIO . pin
- Full GPIO pin design
- Integrated power LED, push button
- Built-in USB port, Quartz 32.768 KHz
- Built-in USB-UART . switch
- Built-in Flash memory
- Integrated Jtag/Swd standard loading port
- Built-in RF circuit slot NRF24L01+, UART, LCD,...
- 4 3.5mm . positioning holes
- Dimensions: 56x62mm