Компьютер ланд баруун хойно 26 р байр Electronic Parts
Хүргэлтийн үйлчилгээ таны цагийг хэмнэнэ
Cityepress Cargo
Таны хайж буй бүтээгдэхүүнүүд манай сайтад байхгүй бол доорх хайлтыг ашиглан taobao-с шууд хайлт хийнэ үү.

3 in 1 pack Cleaning Kit For LCD Laptop Screen Cleaning Kit Cleaner Liquid DVD CD Wipe Dust Clean Monitor

Барааны код: 405
Сагсанд хийх

LCD Screen Cleaning : Can be used to clean the TFT Display Screen, Notebook Screen, PDA Screen, Printer Screen, & CD/DVD Safely. There will be no Scratch or track Left & do not hurt the screen coat. Cleans Flat/ Normal Screen TV, Laptop Screen, PC Monitor, CD/DVD etc This LCD Cleaning Kit cleans Messy Finger Prints, Dirt and Dust, Stains etc. & gives a good clean finish afterwards The Kit contains special liquid, special cloth and soft brush to clean corners and sides of the screen.


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