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Ublox NEO-6M GPS module (3.3V-5V interface,with EEPROM,Flash

Барааны код: 213
Сагсанд хийх

New Neo-6M module. There is a logic level converter  and a voltage regulator on this board, makes it compatible with 3.3V-5V interface. You can connect it with 5V arduino(mega),3.3V arduino pro mini or other similar boards directly. There are also a EEPROM and a Flash which is useful for you to save your configuration data ,or save Assist Now Offline data and/or receiver configuration.


  • Interface: UART interface, with logical level converter, 3.3V-5V interface compatible
  • Extensive Function:On board EEPROM and Flash. Useful for save customer configuration
  • Board Size: 23mm*40mm
  • Antenna: High Gain Active attenna, good performance. 25mm*25mm
  • Battery: Not included, because of the restriction of shipping company. The model is MS621 or MS621FE

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